pix » help


navigation is pretty intuitive, in fact it has passed the mom test. here are the concepts that you need to be concerned with for navigating the pix web application.

bread crumb

the bread crumb is the delimiter-separated list that shows you the hierarchy of where you are at in the structure of photo albums. at any time you can go up to albums you have previously viewed.


the albums are actually sub-albums of the current album you are in, click on those links to drill down into the hierarchy, you can return to where you came from by using the bread crumbs.


for any given image there can be 3 different sizes that pix will show you.


pix shows you thumbnails or a list of all the pictures in the current album. thumbnails are very small, quick to load, easy to fit on a page and supposed to give you an idea of what the picture is.

web friendly

web friendly pictures are of a good dimension for displaying on the web under most conditions, reasonably quick to load but still big enough to see the details of the picture. you can see the web friendly pics by clicking on the thumbnails or the picture name in a picture list.


the original might be huge. this is the original picture that pix used to create the thumbs and web-friendly images. when you see the web friendly version of a picture you can click on that to get the original picture. the original will always be converted to JPEG so that download time is not too long.