18 pictures

Alice and Ray Bill Wischmann, Lucy Cathcart, x, Mary Ann Garvin, Nancy Flint, Jane Austin Bill dignan, Alice Cathcart Bruce Cathcart, Rocky Austin Elaine Cathcart (pullling young Ray), Bill Cathcart, Peg Knarr. Behind Ray are Nancy and Anne Cathcart. Near ple are the Wischmanns. Jane Austin, Ray Cathcart, Alice Cathcart Jane with Alice Cathcart Janes goodbye party at Isabels Sally Ford, x, Lucy Cathcart Janes goodbye party at Isabels Sally Ford, x, Lucy Cathcart 2 Janes goodbye party at Isabels Wally Cathcart and Haddie Hall Jim, Bill, and Bruce, with Alice Nancy Cook, Dick Stevenson, Bill Cathcart, Denny Ray and Alice with their sons Bill & Jim on the couch at Austins. Wendy Dignan and Ray Cathcart austins living room Lucy and Wally Cathcart bill cathcart and den, dens 8th birthday dens 9th birthday Foster Doak, Bill Cathcart, Dick Stevenson, Den, Bob Green lucy cathcart
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